We provide training facilitation across a broad range of topics. In addition to those listed below, we have the ability to develop a training package that suits your needs and timeframes.

Thriving at work: How to maintain your resilience.

With increasing demands on staff and teams it's important to have strategies that enable us to remain resilient and sustain performance. This workshop is based on the R@W (Resilience at Work) research into sustaining resilience and is targeted at individual skill building. This content is most effective when combined with interventions focused on building team resilience in the workplace, as well as supportive organisational practices.

Working on your wellbeing:

This workshop is aimed to increase knowledge around Mental Health in the workplace. It looks at common illnesses, signs and symptoms and prevention and intervention strategies.

Safe at work: managing aggression.

All too often frontline staff are faced with agression from customers. This workshop teaches the skills to de-escalte agression as well as ensure staff have strategies to manage their own wellbeing.

Triaging Trauma.

Many workplaces present situations where staff are exposed to trauma, either directly or indirectly. This workshop provides education around why these impact staff different, how we can be proactive in minimising the impact or potential trauma and look towards pathways for growth.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).

MHFA is a 2 day course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Emily is a licensed instructor of this is an externally developed and accredited course. She runs both public and private courses. Her upcoming public courses can be found here: MHFA Instructor Profile

Having qualified MHFAiders in your organisation is a great first step to enable prevention and early intervention for common Mental Illnesses. There are also a number of considerations around how you support your trained MHFAiders and integrate their use within your wellbeing policy. Using her knowledge as an Organisational Psychologist Emily can provide advice on some key considerations for how to best do this within you organisation in order to create a culture shift.

Get in touch to discuss the delivery of one of our standard offerings or how we may be able to develop a bespoke course to meet your organisational needs.